

My dearest son, Benedikt
Today is your 4th Birthday. It is another February 10th of the year. You were born at 5:42pm Pacific Standard Time. Your birth is a blessing and that’s why you are Benedikt. You have helped us to be better human beings by reflecting our lives as parents. Both Marie and I are thankful to God every day to have such a wonderful little guy.

For the past four years we haven’t settled into one area for a long time. You know it was because of job change. I am proud of you whenever we moved you adopted quickly and enjoyed the area. There is a big possibility to have another move this summer. If I get accepted into my PhD studies, obvious we will move to another state. You will enjoy more to the new area, play with snow which you’ve not experienced in your four years. We’ll have so much fun.

On your first birthday’s letter, I promised one thing. I promised to take you to Tanzania when you are older enough so that you can meet all my family members and know my roots. I remember you had a dream and said we were together in Tanzania and you milked a cow….yes, when we are there you will milk cow. I think this year we can work out and take you to Tanzania. Unfortunately you will not meet Babu (your grandfather). He is already in heaven with his three children; Scolastica, Stanslaus and Vincent. Though you’ll not meet him, you will get opportunity to see his legacy which I am very much proud of his accomplishments as a committed father, a non-corrupt personnel, religious and above all the only person who valued education to his children than any person I have ever seen in this world.

Recently we have not been able to play soccer and run many times as we used to. We have to go back to our routine of going to the park and have more fun. I know when you go to school you will learn other kind of sports. I have no problem with any sport of you and enjoy playing. What I promise is: I will support you in any sport, take you to practice and attend your games. The most important thing is have fun and enjoy the talents you have been given by God. But if you want to be professional in any sport, remember hardworking and prayers will take you to another level. Talent is nothing if you don’t work hard on it. Always remember to pray and ask for God blessings no matter what, whether you are in success or hard time.

Nothing in this world comes easy. You will face so many challenges. You will fail and loose so many things. The best thing is to learn from your failures and challenges you face to make you a better person and a winner. This is one of the reason when you and I compete on running I don’t let you win every time. I give you opportunity to work harder. This is what Carl Brashear said “It is not a sin to be knocked down; it’s a sin to stay down”. Always get up and do it again. Don’t allow failure and challenges steal your dreams and achievements.

For the past year, you started saving some money (pennies and quarters) in your pig bank for ice-cream. You didn’t touch a single coin, you were determined to have enough money for ice-cream. You managed to have like $20 for such a period. I’m very much proud of you son in that accomplishment. To me is not about how much money you have collected and saved. It is about discipline, commitment and long term goals you have. Many of us hard time to have such discipline.  
You and I have our own tradition for your birthday. We are going to the bus ride as we have been doing in all other birthdays. And this letter is another gift for you. I have kept all letters I have written to you. I’m going to publish it into a book titled “THE BENEDIKT FACTOR”. You are the really factor of my life. You are the game changer. You have given me opportunity to look life into a different angle as a father and husband. You’ve helped me to know how important mothers are to children. As most men we take things for granted. But being in the labor room for your birth and see how mothers go through, I have different and most positive perspective on women and mothers. I know without you, things would be different.

You are the best my little crazy guy.

Nakupenda Sana
Your loving Baba

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Subi Nukta said…
Happy Birthday Benedikt!
May you continue to grow and do well, thus making Mom and Dad (and us all) proud.
Much love and kisses!
I love you!
Subi & Sia
Unknown said…
Happy birthday Makulilo Jr
Hongera sana Benedikt kwa siku yako ya kuzaliwa. Ama kweli umekuwa kijana mkubwa sana na endelea kukua kwa afya njema na utii kwa walezi wako . HONGERA SANA KUTIMIZA MIAKA MINNE.
Anonymous said…
Hongera Benedikt jamani nime kapenda so good boy big up brother natamani iyo siku ukija Tanzania nikuone japo mara moja tu.