Erasmus Mundus integrated masters degree programmes give students the opportunity to study at a variety of institutions across Europe. Scholarships are available to help fund postgraduate study for those coming to study from outside Europe.
Erasmus Mundus aims to improve the quality of higher education in Europe and to promote intercultural understanding with third countries. Erasmus Mundus supports high-quality masters programmes in Europe to promote the EU as an international centre of excellence in learning.
Programme length: two years, full-time
Programme start date: last week of August
Number of places: 35
Number of credits: 240
The final degree is a joint award from Roehampton University, Göteborgs Universitet and Universitetet I Tromsø.
Year one, Semester one:
Göteborgs Universitet (Göteborg, Sweden)
Year two, Semester two: Roehampton University (London, UK)
Year two, Semester one: Universitetet I Tromsø (Tromsø, Norway)
Year two, Semester two: UK, Sweden or Norway for dissertation.
ScholarshipsThe EU Commission grants scholarships to highly qualified third-country graduate students and scholars. The grants are for students to follow a selected Erasmus Mundus master’s programme, and for scholars to carry out teaching and research assignments and scholarly work in the institutions participating in the programme. Students and scholars must apply to Roehampton University. The MA HRP consortia will apply to the EU Commission for scholarship funds. Scholarships are paid through the MA HRP consortia.
‘Third-country student’ refers to a national of a country other than the EEA-EFTA states and candidate countries for accession to the EU, who:
-has already obtained a first higher education degree
-is not a resident of any of the member states
-has not carried out his or her main activity for more than a total of 12 months over the last five -years in any of the member states or the participating countries
-has been accepted to register or is registered on an Erasmus Mundus master’s programme
Roehampton is involved in two collaborations:
MA Special Education Needs with Fontys University (Tilburg, The Netherlands) and Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic)
MA Human Rights Practice with Göteborgs Universitet (Göteborg, Sweden) and Universitetet I Tromsø (Tromsø, Norway)
Applications are currently being received for all students and scholars for entry in August. For those interested in applying for the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship the deadline is 14 December. For all other candidates (including European Students) the deadline is 30 June.
Application forms
Application forms can be downloaded (below) or printed copies can be requested by emailing
Download student application form (Word doc)
Download scholar application form (Word doc)
Further information and application forms can be found on this website or requested from: Academic Enterprise
Grove House
Roehampton University
LondonSW15 5PJ
Tel: +44 (0) 20 8392 3192
Fax: +44 (0) 20 8392 3031
Moreinfo: Click here
Applications are currently being received for all students and scholars for entry in August 2009. For those interested in applying for the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship the deadline is 14 December 2008. For all other candidates (including European Students) the deadline is 30 June 2009.