


· 100% Full Fee Trust Africa Scholarships

· AACC International Scholarships

· AAUW International Fellowships

· ACCES scholarship program

· ACM International Collegiate Contest

· Acumen Fund Fellows Program

· Aerospace Russia Scholarships

· Africa Scholarship Program, University of Steubenville

· African Economic Research Consortium Awards

· African Fellows Programme

· African Graduate Fellowship, American University in Cairo

· Africa Thesis Award

· African Economic Research Consortium Awards

· African Women Development Fund

· African Women Public Service Fellowship

· Aga Khan Foundation International Scholarship Programme

· Agris Mundus Master in Sustainable Development - Agriculture Scholarships

· Airey Neave Trust

· Alfred Friendly Press Fellowships (AFPF)

· Alzheimer's Disease Research Awards

· ALJ Scholarship

· Amy Rustomjee International Scholarship

· Alpha Delta Kappa Scholarship

· Altrusa International Foundation Grants

· Amelia Earhart Fellowship Program

· American Speech Language Hearing Foundation Scholarships

· Amity Teacher Program

· Amity Intern Teacher Program

· Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/ACLS Early Career Fellowships

· Andrzejewski Memorial Fund

· Art Moves Africa Grants

· Ashoka-Lemelson Fellowship Program

· Associated Board International Scholarships

· Aubrey Sheiham Public Health and Primary Care Scholarship

· Audio Engineering Society Educational Foundation

· AW Howard Memorial Trust Travel Grant

· AWAM - Association for Women in Aviation Maintenance Scholarships

· AWS Foundation Scholarships

· Australian Development Scholarships

· Australian National University Undergraduate Scholarships

· Barakat Trust and Bakarat Foundation Scholarships

· Barratt Rotary Award - South Africa

· Bat Conservation International Scholarships

· Beit Trust

· Bentley Cropping Systems Fellowship

· Bernardin Scholars Program

· Birmingham Law School Scholarships

· Birmingham Law School Master's in Law Scholarships

· Boehringer Foundation Travel Grants

· British Federation of Women Graduates Foundation Grants

· Bursaries for Overseas Undergraduate Students - University of Southampton

· Broadlands Home Trust - UK

· Christine Bolt Scholarship

· CN Yang Scholars Programme

· Canadian Window on International Development Award

· Canon Collins Scholarship Programme

· Catherine B Reynolds Foundation Fellowship

· Centre Universitaire au Développement Scholarships

· Charlotte Conservation Fellowships

· Charlotte W Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships

· Charles Pick Fellowship

· Chevening Scholarships

· Chinese Government Scholarships

· CIDA Conference Fund

· Civil and Environmental Engineering PhD Scholarships

· Commonwealth Foundation Grants

· Commonwealth-Grenada St. George’s University Scholarship Program

· Commonwealth Shared Scholarships Scheme

· Computing And Informatics PhD Scholarship

· Constance McCullough Award

· Coral Reef Conservation Project (CRCP)

· Courage in Journalism Awards

· Cranfield Scholarships

· Crawford Fund Derek Tribe Award

· DAAD Scholarships Programme

· DAAD Scholarships for Artists

· DAAD Study Scholarships for Foreign Students in USA

· Dan David Scholarships

· Dairy Industry Scholarships

· Dean’s Prize Scholarships - USA

· Developing Country Literacy Project Support Fund

· DFID Shared Scholarship Scheme, Oxford University

· Directorate General for Development Cooperation Scholarships

· Dissertation and Young Investigator Grants

· Doctoral Research Award - Canada

· e8 Sustainable Energy Development Scholarships

· e8 Internship Programme

· EADB Graduate Scholarship in Development Studies

· East Anglia Scholarships - UK

· Echoing Green Fellowship Program provides seed funding

· ELCA International Scholarships

· Economics Management of Network Industries Scholarships

· Ecosystem Approaches to Human Health Training Award

· Educating Africans for Christ Scholarships

· Eiffel Scholarships, Masters and PhD

· Electric Power Engineering Scholarships - Chalmers University of Technology

· Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship

· Elizabeth Nuffield Educational Trust Grants

· Elva Knight Research Grant (funding available to students in African universities)

· Emergency Small Grants Programme - UK

· Emerging Leaders International Fellows Program

· Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarships

· ENS International Scholarships - France

· ENS Lyon Master Program International Scholarships

· Environmental Management MBA Scholarships

· Equitas International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP) Grants

· Erasmus Mundus Masters Course in Applied Ethics Scholarships

· Erasmus Mundus Masters in Journalism and Media Scholarships

· Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics Scholarships

· Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for European Master in Industrial Management

· Erasmus Mundus MA Audiovisual Translation Scholarships

· Erasmus Mundus MSc in Photonics Scholarship

· Erasmus Mundus Scholarships Programme

· Eric Bleumink Fund Scholarship

· European Grants for Masters Students in Advanced Robotics, Erasmus Mundus

· European Masters in Clinical Linguistics Scholarships

· European Masters in Informatics Scholarships

· European Master in Nuclear Fusion Science and Engineering Physics Scholarships

· European Masters Program in Language and Communication Technologies Scholarship

· European Master of Science International Health Degree Programme

· European Master in Vision and Robotics Scholarships

· Fellowship for Human Rights Defenders

· Femmes Africa Solidarité Internships

· Film and Fiction Scholarships

· Five College African Scholars Program

· Flemish Government fellowships

· Flying Scholarships for the Disabled

· Fondation Rainbow Bridge Scholarship

· Friedrich Miescher Institute PhD Scholarships, Basel Switzerland

· Fulbright Scholarship Awards

· Full PhD Scholarships at the University of Padua, Italy

· Full Scholarships for Dundee Research LLM Program

· Fully Funded Prize PhD Studentships

· Funded Postgraduate Diploma Courses - University of Aberdeen

· Funded Postgraduate Opportunities, Waterford Institute of Technology - Ireland

· Gates Cambridge Scholarship - Cambridge University

· Georgia Rotary Student Program, USA

· Georgina Sweet Fellowship 2008

· Giulia Mereu LLM Scholarship

· Global Health Scholarships

· Global Journalism Scholarships, Sweden

· Globe Business College Munich Scholarship Programme

· Gordon R McCulloch Scholarship

· Graduate Fellowships in Innovation Law and Policy

· Graduate Scholarships in Reproductive Health Law

· Graduate Scholarship for Non-Japanese Women to Study in Japan

· Graduate Student Research Fellowship Awards

· Graduate Women In Science Grants and Fellowships

· Grants-in-Aid of Research Program (GIAR)

· Great Lakes of Africa Scholarship

· Guaranteed Scholarships in Finance

· Harvard Law School LLM Scholarships - Scholarship grants

· Hauser Global Scholars LLM Scholarships

· Hayek Fund for Scholars

· HEC - EGIDE / EIFFEL Scholarships (Hautes Études Commerciales)

· HEC - Forté Foundation Scholarships

· HEC - Leopold Senghor Scholarships

· HEC MBA Scholarships for Excellence

· Helping Youth Through Educational Scholarships

· Henigson Human Rights Fellowship

· Highway Africa Awards

· Hodgkinson Postgraduate Scholarship 2008, Oxford Brookes University

· HTIR Internship Program - USA

· Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program - USA.

· Human Rights Essay Competition

· Human Rights Summer Institute

· Human Rights Visiting Fellows Program

· Humboldt Research Fellowships - Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Germany

· Huygens Scholarship Programme, Netherlands

· IAD Tuition Fellowship (Master's Degree Scholarship at Cornell University,USA)

· Ian Wark Research Institute Scholarships

· IATEFL Africa Scholarship

· IDRC Doctoral Research Award - Canada

· IDRC Internship Award

· IFUW International Awards

· IMD MBA Scholarships

· Institute for Humane Studies Scholarships

· Institute for African Development Travel Grants

· International Dissertation Research Fellowships

Note: Each title has website link, click on title to go to its official website

Post a Comment


Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…
Habari yako Ndugu Makulilo. Pole na kazi. Mimi ninahitaji Fully funded scholarships za Masters za Finance. Pliz do me a favour, how can I get them.


Anonymous said…
Wewe Anony wa December 22, 2008 1:30 AM
Kaka Makulilo ametoa a very thorough list of scholarship opportunities. Kazi ni yako kutafuta ipi inasuit your field.. Tabia ya kupewa kila kitu mdomoni is tuache.. fanya kazi yako..
Humphrey said…
Hi, I am Humphrey from Ghana. I was and am still impressed with your blogspot. Keep the wonderful work you are doing up. We need contributions from people like you to move Africa forward. Your scholarship advertisements are very very impressive. Kudos!! Cheers!!
Humphrey, Winneba-Ghana
00233 246 835 660
Anonymous said…

Keep up the good work.

Kazi njema

Anonymous said…
Nimefurahia blogspot yako. Lakini nahitaji full sponsorship for PhD. Unasemaje?

Otherwise keep it up.

Anonymous said…
habari kaka, asante kwa habari zako nzuri, nimepata admisiion chuo cha Wageningen
kwa Sept. 2009, lakini natafuta full scholarship, nisaidie kaka
Anonymous said…

Unafanya kazi nzuri sanaa.Nakupondeza sana.Najua tatizo la wa Tanzania,hawataki kuriski na kukubali kuwekeza kile walicho nacho,mda mwingi wana hofu ya kuingia hasara.Nadhani waige mfano wa hawa jamaa wa West afrika huku Ulaya au angalau jamaaa wa Kenya,wanapiga bao kinoma.Sio lazima uwe na mamilioni.Tumia bongo yako na usihofu kucheza michezo ya kuriski,ulaya hakuna jipya asilimia kubwa waliopo hapa wali risk na kuuza chai ilioenda shule katika kumkamata M-europe.Wabongo kommaeni hapa europe mnakubalika hamja haribu sana profile lenu kama jamaa a nchi nyingine.

Episode one is about to finish,

Then two will begin soon.TUTAONANA MAVUMBINI VERY SOON:Upo hapo jibaba.

Anonymous said…
Nimependa blog yako iko poa. Natafuta full scholaship ya degree ya nursing nisaidieni tafadhali
Anonymous said…
MR mukulilo

You are my mentor ure contributiions move my heart continue with that iknow ne day through my trials in the scloarship search iwill achieve where you are now i have adegree in agriculture
Long live Bwana

Rosset uganda
Anonymous said…
Hello, Makulilo!
It is just today that I discovered your blog and sincerely speaking, you are one such a wonderful and hard working person I am meeting online. I admit that looking for scholarships, internships or jobs info it not a simple things, but you just did it, yet in detail. Pole sana na Honger!

I think for us who have seen this info, the best we can do is to consume it and spread it to others in need! Let us stopping blaming heros like Makulilo. Best of luck Makulilo!

Utill next time,

Elias Nagol Moringe,
MSc Environmental Management Student,
University Bordeaux III - France,
E-: eliasnagol@yahoo.com
Anonymous said…
What a useful blog! Great work Makulilo for providing such information to those of us searching for it!
Anonymous said…
Woooh kaka nakupongeza sana na nafurahishwa na uzalendo wako, ur so nice to people u want all to go forward, thats nice, kila la kheri, tupo pamoja daima, Linna
Anonymous said…
kaka upo juu saaaaaana your blog is much useful contrary to other ones according to my experience in surfing once again keep it up in Kigoma we aspire that IMANA IKUHEZAGILE
Emmanuel JOBERG
Unknown said…
Dear Ernest,

Honestly, very few persons can do what you are doing. Wengi wetu ni wazito kuwaelekeza wenzetu nao wapate mafanikio tuliyoyofikia. Please keep the spirit, wapo wanaobeza, ni nature ya wanadamu huwezi ridhisha wote, so that should not discourage you. Go ahead, keep moving forward. Mafanikio unayo mengi maishani kwani waliosaidika kupitia blog hii ni wengi.

Unknown said…
Hi Kaka.

Mungu akubariki daily for keeping us posted .

All the best

Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Hi Dear Makulilo,

It drives me into crazyyy, and i ask myself where have i been?, what have i looked those days?.

Oh! really this is a wonderful blog kutoka kwa mkombozi wa wanyonge, yes i can say so.. Coz i never heard before

I dont know what to say, but wewe ni kila kitu yaani tungekuwa na watu 10 tu kama wewe mbona Afrika tungekuwa mbali ki-maendeleo?!!.

Thank you,
Keep it up SIR,

Mudy, Zenji.
Anonymous said…
kaka hongera sana kwakutusaidia watanzania wenzako kwa kweli endelea na moyo wako huo mimi naomba unisaidie kupata scholaship ya masters ya economics i real need it
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Hallo makulilo
A great job you doing big up ,
Allah my put Blessings you man .
Anonymous said…
Asante kwa information nzuri za kujenga, naomba unisaidie nipate fullscholarship ya business law
kaka blog yako nimeipenda sana ni mara ya kwanza nimeicheki tokea nilivyoona habari zako kwenye gazeti la nipashe kama sio mwananchi huku tz. mimi najitahidi ninapomaliza tu niwe mmoja wapo wa wabahatika katika nafasi hizo ila! WATU WA COMPUTER SCIENCE NA IT MBONA UMETUSAHAU?????????????????
Anonymous said…
kaka big up
endelea na moyo huo huo
Anonymous said…
kaka mambo vipi.Hongera sana kwa mkakati wako mzuri wa kugawana ujuzi na ufahamu.Nakutakia mwendelezo mzuri.

Ni mimi January Fabian Rashidi
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your wonderful work bro,still am searching for full scholarship for MA economics.
Kaka pole na kazi na mungu akubaliki....im 3rd year student of St.Augustine University Of Tanzania and im took BBA-Accounting and Finance......naomba unisaidie full scholarship ya MBA katika nchi yoyote ya Scandnavia...natumaini utanisaidia.....

Contacts;Phone +255714404710
P.O.Box 1768 Dar-es-salaam.
Anonymous said…
George said...Congrats! God has a plan for you, hold that stand intact Makulilo.

Nimemaliza Msc Human Resource management Mzumbe, sasa nia ni PhD nchi za wenzetu bwana tafadhali. Play your part in this. Tulikuwa wote mlimani nilimaliza Pub Admin 2005.
Anonymous said…
George ni wa gjorks@yahoo.com, tafadhali tuwasiliane mkuu wangu
george, wa gjorks@yahoo.com said…
Usikate tamaa endelea ukisika watu ni watakatifu huwa walijitoa na kujitolea sana,unachokifanya nakiona Mungu anaona, utalipwa kwa maombezi ya waafrika wenye nia njema.