Bowling Green State University (BGSU), a university of approximately 20,000 students located in Bowling Green, Ohio USA (which is
located in the Northwestern part of Ohio, USA) has agreed to admit Tanzania students who show a lot of promise for building up the country
of Tanzania, by awarding tuition waivers to these excellent Tanzanian students who do not otherwise have all the funds needed for study at a
university in the United States. This opportunity is available through the Great Lakes Consortium for International Training and
Development (GLC) and its Tanzania Project Advisor Karl Gingrich. Tuition waivers mean that they will grant the accepted students
$54,000 (USD) in tuition fee waivers for four years of undergraduate study. This opportunity is also available for graduate level studies for
those who have a university degree, not a diploma, under a similar program. Tuition waivers for graduate students are gained through being
accepted for an assistantship, which also usually carries with it a stipend for living expenses in addition to tuition waivers.
It is the responsibility of the student applicant to make certain that all of the following is accomplished. Those being considered have
kept in close e-mail and personal contact during this entire process. It is not the responsibility of BGSU or the GLC to keep in contact
with the student applicant.
Consideration will only be given to those students who meet all of the following 11 criteria:
1 - The student must return to Tanzania after completion of their studies, and work to develop Tanzania. The goal of this program is to build
up the country of Tanzania by providing higher education opportunities to exceptional Tanzania students. Its goal is not to create a pathway
for immigration to the US.
2 – The undergraduate student is expected to stay in the US for the entire four year undergraduate period in order to complete their entire
course of study. Any family obligations must be taken care of prior to their travel to the US. Spouses and other dependents cannot come
with the students.
3 – Karl Gingrich will interview all prospective students before they begin this process. All admission applications for this study opportunity
will be submitted and coordinated through Karl Gingrich, GLC Project Advisor – e-mail: gingrich@tds.net. Any other contact or
submissions will make it difficult and possibly impossible to process your application for this program. No other person in Tanzania is
authorized to recommend students for this program. However, there are some people in Tanzania who are aware of this program and they
can provide information to assist you in this program.
4 - The student must take a course of study which BGSU offers. The many courses of study can be reviewed on the web site www.bgsu.edu.
5 – In order to assess a student’s academic achievements and to determine their eligibility for this program, a copy of the student’s records
must be submitted for review to Karl Gingrich. These records are their national exam reports and all of their annual secondary school
reports, in addition to any other academic reports that they might have. For graduate students all the transcripts from their degree program
must be submitted. These records must show that the student is an outstanding student, meaning that for undergraduate studies they are a
Division One student in both A and O levels, and for graduate level studies they must provide evidence of a very high Grade Point Average
from their university degree work. The Certified Copies of student records can be submitted either in person to Karl Gingrich when he is in
Tanzania or by scanning them into a file and sending them through e-mail attachment files to gingrich@tds.net.
Bowling Green State University will be the sole and final determinant of those accepted into this program for either the
undergraduate or the graduate levels, based upon the original records submitted.
6 – At the proper time and when told to do so, the student must take the English language examination (TOEFL). For graduate level studies
the student must also take, in advance of their consideration, the GRE examination (or other graduate level test as specified by the BGSU
catalog.) These examinations are administered at the University of Dar es Salaam. There is a fee for these examinations. Other places in
Tanzania to sit for these examinations are not accepted and the results will be rejected. You can only take these examinations and
TOEFL at an official authorized testing center.
7 - After being accepted by BGSU, and when BGSU provides them with a US government form I-20, the student will be required to take
their Tanzania Passport to the US Embassy in Dar es Salaam and obtain a US student visa. There is a fee for this.
8 - The student will be required to provide evidence that they have funds available for traveling to the US, totaling at least $2,700 to $3,000 ,
for their immediate travel and student living expenses. You will be required to show this evidence in order to obtain a US Student Visa at
the US Embassy. These costs are broken down and will be used as:
a - Air transportation one way from Tanzania to Bowling Green Ohio. The nearest airport is Toledo Ohio or Detroit Michigan;
b - Sufficient funds to begin living and studying in the US; approximately $1,900 which is broken down and needed for: first
semester’s books cost $400; deposit on apartment and first month’s rent cost $450; first month’s food cost $100; first semester’s
medical insurance cost $800; miscellaneous school supplies cost $150. If you come without these funds you will have many
difficulties. There is no one other then yourself who will pay these expenses for you. Failure to come with these funds may make
it necessary for you to return to Tanzania immediately. You will use all of these funds at once upon arrival in the U.S.
9 - In order to pay for all of your on-going living expenses while you are studying at BGSU, the student will work on the BGSU campus.
You will be expected to work at least 20 hours each week and you will be paid for this work. The pay received from this work will provide
for your ongoing living expenses.
10 – The GLC will assist all the students when they arrive and while they are at BGSU and the GLC will provide advice and other support
for their comfort and safety while they are at BGSU. The GLC will not provide financial support.
11 – Those students who can pay for their own annual tuition can also apply through Karl Gingrich and we will assist them in the application
process, assimilation into the campus, gaining jobs to pay for living expenses, and an introduction to other East African students studying at
BGSU. The GLC will also assist these tuition paying students to gain in-state tuition fees which is a substantial reduction in the tuition cost.
This process for the selection of students for tuition waivers is a very long process, typically taking at least one year. Students who are
considering this process are encouraged to begin early. Students who wish to study in the U.S. are also encouraged to inquire at the US
Embassy in Dar es Salaam. There are regularly scheduled programs at the Embassy to help prospective students gain additional information
on study in the U.S. The embassy personnel are aware of this BGSU program.
For further information on this opportunity please contact
Karl Gingrich e-mail - gingrich@tds net 19364 CR 7, Findlay, Ohio 45840
USA telephone 419 387 7356;
(or by telephone 0754 069741 whenever Karl Gingrich is in Tanzania.)