

Journalism is undergoing a fundamental transformation. Developments in technology, politics and society are increasingly putting the media industries and the profession of journalism at the centre of people’s attempt to make sense of what is happening in the world around them.

The Erasmus Mundus Masters degree explores the practice and performance of journalism and the media in the context of a new environment brought about by globalisation, modernisation, commercialisation and professional developments. The scheme offers a unique educational experience: You will study in three European countries. You will be able to specialise in one of three distinct areas of journalism: war and conflict, business and finance, and citizenship. You will be part of a group of 40 students selected from a pool of candidates from around the world. You will be part of a network of classmates that draw on a variety of experience and knowledge and meet the global ambitions of the degree.

The Erasmus Mundus Masters Journalism and Media seeks to produce alumni who will shape the future of global journalism.The degree scheme brings together five leading European institutions in the journalism and media education, combining the best academic research and teaching from the different national educational cultures. The program aims to prepare students for the challenge of working in the new global information society.

Globalisation is penetrating cultural and social borders around the world and simultaneously reinvigorating smaller regions and feelings of local identity. Political and social power is taking on new dimensions. Cultural awareness is growing. Journalism is at the centre of these changes.

Politically, states in Europe are coming together and falling apart at the same time. Journalists need new tools to understand and to interpret the processes of integration and disintegration.

Economically, a global world market is creating growth and havoc at the same time. Journalists need tools to be able to describe it in clear language.

Socially, people are getting connected in new ways through modern technologies. Journalism is the crucial field in a network society.

Culturally, there is increasing onus on the media and journalism to explain differences and similarities between peoples and societies. The focus of the Erasmus Mundus Masters Journalism and Media is to give participants the intellectual tools for a new and better understanding of reporting global change.

Scholarships for Faculty
Erasmus Mundus Scholars: Journalism and Mass Communication

Invitations are made for scholars outside of the EU member states in the field of journalism and mass communication to apply to spend time at one or more of the partner institutions of the Erasmus Mundus programme, Journalism and Media within Globalisation: The European Perspective.

Funding of up to 13,000 euros for a stay of three months is available for visiting the Danish School of Journalism, Aarhus; the Departments of Media Studies and Social Science at Aarhus University; the Department of Journalism and Publishing at City University, London; Institute for Media and Communication, University of Amsterdam; Institute for Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Hamburg; and the Department of Media and Communication Studies at Swansea University, Wales.

Applications are invited from scholars whose research interests relate to the core values of the programme and who can contribute to the teaching of the courses offered. The consortia members are particularly interested in building further links with partner institutions outside the European Union, especially in the Global South, and scholars who can contribute to such developments are particularly encouraged to apply. Scholars coming from consortium partner institutions, and following the lines of the consortium policy for scholarships have first priority.

The ability to make a contribution to the research culture of the partner institutions is sought and the opportunity to further research is provided. Applicants are asked to submit a study plan outlining their research and teaching interests and how they will pursue them at the partner institutions.

This programme is expected to be granted four scholarships for 2008-10.
The grant agreement for scholarships breaks down as follows: 3 month x 4,000 euro plus 1,000 euro as a fixed amount. If the period is more than three months no more than 13,000 euro will be paid.

Further information is available from Inger Munk: imu@djh.dk

For application for a scholarship, please send a letter of motivation, a CV and the study plan including which partner institutions you would like to visit during your stay in Europe (please make arrangements with these institutions before sending the application). The length of a scholarship is normally 3 months, but can be more or less and can be taken together or spread over the two year period. Please indicate the period/s of your intended stay during the 2008-10 academic period.

To be sent to: Danish School of Journalism, Olof Palmes alle 11, DK-8200 Aarhus N. att. Inger Munk. Email imu@djh.dk by 20 January 2009

Your application for admission to the Erasmus Mundus Masters will only be processed once we have received all required documents.

University of Aarhus
Jens Chr. Skous Vej 3, Building 1451
8000 Aarhus C
Fax: +45 89 42 69 25
Phone: +45 89 42 69 21

SOURCE: http://www.mundusjournalism.com

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