
Erasmus Mundus scholarship - MA Programme Euroculture

The MA Programme Euroculture has been selected by the European Commission among the Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses for five years. This implies that the European Commission will grant scholarships to highly qualified third-country graduate students and scholars. Students will be able to follow the MA Programme Euroculture, and scholars to carry out teaching and research assignments and scholarly work in the Euroculture universities participating in the Course.

Third-country students and scholars eligible for receiving an Erasmus Mundus scholarship fall into two different categories: one general category in which grantees can come from any third country and one specific category for 2009-2010: the "Western Balkans and Turkey Window" in which funds are earmarked for nationals from specific countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, as well as the three candidate countries, namely Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey. It is not yet known if and how many specific "Window" bursaries will be availble for 2010/2011. Information about this will be published as soon as possible.


With regard to the general category, the Euroculture Erasmus Mundus Masters Consortium will reserve 17 places for third-country students and 4 places for third-country scholars who have been granted a scholarship for the academic year 2009/2010.

With regard to the specific category ("Asian windows") in 2006, the Euroculture Masters Consortium selected 9 additional Asian students who have been granted a bursary for the academic year 2006/2007. For 2007/2008 the Euroculture consortium had the possibility to select at least 6 additional Asian students.

"Third-country student/scholar" refers to students and scholars who hold the nationality of a third country other than those from EEA- EFTA States and candidate countries for accession to the European Union; who is not a resident of any of the Member States or the participating countries as provided for in Article 11; who has not carried out his or her main activity (studies, work, etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the Member States or the participating countries; and who has outstanding academic and/or professional experience.

According to the European Commission, each student grantee will receive EUR 10,000 to cover the registration fee plus EUR 1,600 each month for sixteen months for living costs. Each scholar grantee will receive EUR 4,000 each month for a period of 3 months and a fixed amount of EUR 1,000.

PLEASE NOTE: Students are not allowed to apply to more than three Erasmus Mundus Master programmes.



Applications for the 2010-2011 academic year are welcome from August 2009 onwards and can be send until 15 December 2009 (per postmark). The detailed selection procedure and admission requirements are described on the website. Please carefully read the instructions listed below before you start filling out the online application.

Candidate students MUST:

READ carefully the criteria to determine whether you are eligible to receive the scholarship. See Erasmus Mundus – admission and selection procedure


Application Form

PRESS the ‘submit application’ button and PRINT and SIGN the application form.

PREPARE a complete application package. MAKE SURE you send along all the required documents listed below:

Completed and printed Euroculture Erasmus Mundus application form

Certified* documents of academic credentials: - Diploma (if this document is not in English, French, German or Latin - then it must be officially translated) - and, if available, Diploma Supplement and/or Grade transcript ( in English)

Please note that if you want to be eligible for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, you must send proof of having already completed a BA degree (proof equals a certified copy of bachelor diploma + grade transcript).

Academic and professional CV (resumé)

Letter of motivation - in English - (max. one page)

Letters of reference – in English - from the two different referees you have listed in the application document. If the letters are sealed you don’t need to make copies of them.

A valid copy of your passport

A valid copy of the TOEFL or IELTS certificate or an equivalent test and - if you have a preference for the University of Deusto - the results of a proficiency test for Spanish language

Four full-colour passport photos – all four to be attached to the front of the original dossier (with you name and surname written on the back of each photo)

* Certified means that the copy has to have official stamps from the school or from a notary who states that this is a true copy of the original document. If your transcript is not in English, French or German we would also need to have a certified translation in this language attached.

Furthermore we kindly ask you not to use staples on any of your documents but to use paperclips instead.


Only complete dossiers with completed application forms will be considered for selection. You are welcome to add extra documents with additional relevant information. Please check that you have enclosed all documents required above and send all required documents together. If you cannot send certain documents yet, please explain this in your application and indicate when we can expect to receive these remaining documents. This will avoid delays in the reviewing your application.

MAKE 3 copies of the completed application (application form and required documents)


The signed application form, and the required documents.
Three copies of the completed application ( the signed application form and the required documents) SO YOU HAVE TO SEND FOUR VERSIONS IN TOTAL

to the following mailing address:

Mrs. Marloes van der Weij
EUROCULTURE Erasmus Mundus Secretariat
University of Groningen – Faculty of Arts
Oude Kijk in’t Jatstraat 26
NL - 9712 EK Groningen
The Netherlands

We recommend to send your application by express mail or registered mail.

Please keep a copy of your submission for your records

Please note that the application documents cannot be returned to the applicant.

For further information on Erasmus Mundus scholarship scheme and application procedure:

e-mail: euroculture@rug.nl
phone: +31 50 363 62 93 or 72 33
fax: +31 50 363 72 53


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